Gold: $3083.54  |  Silver: $34.11

To Our Young Brothers & Sisters at Reddit & Elsewhere

Understand that what we are all living through today is the result of cumulative mismanagement (economically, financially, politically and now, even socially) which began in 1913. We are living through a phenomenon foretold decades ago by The Austrian School of Economic Thought they named, Crack Up Boom. >From an Austrian PoV, the difficulties w...

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Are you concerned the precious metals train has left the station without you?

Quoting Gordon Gekko from the 1987 movie Wall Street: "I don't throw darts at a board. I bet on sure things. Read Sun-tzu, The Art of War. Every battle is won before it is ever fought." Mr. Gekko is explaining that an investment decision should start with research. The thesis of my article is that numismatic coins are waiting to win the battle...

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The Effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis on Numismatic and Bullion Coin Values

With most of the world on lockdown, financial markets crashing, the economy imploding and serious social consequences on the horizon, it is no surprise that the unprecedented crisis unleashed by COVID-19 is having serious effects on precious metals. While gold and silver futures ride their roller coaster in the paper-traded futures markets, the rea...

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Commitment of Traders Report & Why Precious Metals Will Rise Soon

Commitment of Traders Report (the COT Report) on gold and silver futures trading is a weekly report released on a Friday for data at end of trading day the previous Tuesday by for trading positions, long & short, at COMEX (a subsidiary of CME Group). Within minutes of release other interested parties aggregate and publish the data. I l...

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NEW UNCOVERED INFORMATION: Why Central Banks Were Forced To Rig The Gold Market

[ARTICLE WRITTEN BY Steve St. Angelo OF THE SRSrocco Report]​ According to newly uncovered information in the gold market, it provides additional evidence of why the Fed, Central Banks and the IMF were forced to RIG the gold market. Actually, looking at this new information, I had no idea of the amount of Fed, Central Bank and IMF gold market inter...

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Reality Today

​You are living in a time and place when empire and State are strong, the individual is weak. When enough individuals get motivated they will demand justice. The pigs currently in control of the trough won't like that. There are case studies. MLK is a good one. When the noise becomes loud enough the strong State responds. That's the way of power .....

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The Problem Today...

is that after 85 years of Keynesian Economics introduced by FDR & his crony stooges (Harry Hopkins: "We will spend and spend, tax and tax, elect and elect.") the system is now so severely distorted it functions about as well as an old crack ho. The wild moves lately in oil & stawks are signals that the end is getting closer. America once ha...

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