Gold: $3072.96  |  Silver: $34.41

The Problem Today...

is that after 85 years of Keynesian Economics introduced by FDR & his crony stooges (Harry Hopkins: "We will spend and spend, tax and tax, elect and elect.") the system is now so severely distorted it functions about as well as an old crack ho. The wild moves lately in oil & stawks are signals that the end is getting closer. America once ha...

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Gold and Silver Bullion Prove Themselves in 2016

​Gold bullion is becoming a safe-haven investment for irate investors. The current performance of the stock market is causing investors to flock to other investments, one being gold. For the past few years, the price of gold has fell to as low as $1,050.72 from its all-time high of over $1,900 in 2011. After years of grief for precious metal i...

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