CopperPicker commented on this post about 5 years ago1966 penny with errors. Is there any value100000Comments (4)
CopperPickerWhat are the "Errors"?5 years agoReported
Tina CuhenIn God we trust up against the rim5 years agoReported
Tina CuhenThe E on we is lower . Lettering looks doubled.5 years agoReported
CopperPickerIf you go to a coin shop you can pick up a copy of the" Cherry pickers guide" if what you have doesn't match what's in the book then it's not aIf you go to a coin shop you can pick up a copy of the" Cherry pickers guide" if what you have doesn't match what's in the book then it's not a "error " coin. Good luck & Happy hunting. More ...5 years agoReported
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