Gold: $2935.91  |  Silver: $32.57
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    Comments (3)
    • Hello, Jacqueline -- Without seeing the backsides of the silver dollars, where I'll be able to check for letters called mintmarks (which tell me whatHello, Jacqueline -- Without seeing the backsides of the silver dollars, where I'll be able to check for letters called mintmarks (which tell me what branch mint struck them and often affect the value of the coin), what I can tell you is that the base value for your silver dollars would be between $17 and $22 for each of those dates. The Mercury dimes, meanwhile, have a value of $3 to $4 each.

      Thank you for submitting these photos!
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    • Hello how are you? I uploaded the backside of my coins
    • Hello, Jacqueline --

      I'm trying to match up the back sides (reverse) with their respective front sides (obverse); if I've matched everything upHello, Jacqueline --

      I'm trying to match up the back sides (reverse) with their respective front sides (obverse); if I've matched everything up correctly, I still suggest the values I listed above are roughly correct. Thank you for sending the images along!
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