Gold: $2935.91  |  Silver: $32.57
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  •  Yes John Kirby did work for me at Martin's coins and jewelry. He also and embezzled tens of thousands of dollars from me. His ex-girlfriend Shanti rice wrote a 16 page statement to my lawyer Mike...
     Yes John Kirby did work for me at Martin's coins and jewelry. He also and embezzled tens of thousands of dollars from me. His ex-girlfriend Shanti rice wrote a 16 page statement to my lawyer Mike Gadue describing how John and her went to New York City and sold $30,000 -$40,000 of the scrap gold at a time to dealer in New York City for cash. Anyone that would like a copy or read the statement stop by my office at 1525 Shelburne Rd. S., Burlington, VT. John K Martin 
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