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Joshua McMorrow-Hernandez commented on this post about 7 years agoI have a 1955 D penny that is missing the letter I in liberty. Does anyone know what it's worth?Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.
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Without seeing a photo of the coin I can't say for certain, but I'm pretty sure what you have is a weakly struck piece or one struckHi, Nickie --
Without seeing a photo of the coin I can't say for certain, but I'm pretty sure what you have is a weakly struck piece or one struck by a partially filled die. If this is the case, the coin is worth a more ordinary 2 to 5 cents. However, some people do actively collect such pieces and might be willing to pay a little more for such an example, though there is no "book value," per se, for such a piece.
Best wishes,
Josh @ CoinValues More ...