Gold: $2935.91  |  Silver: $32.57

U.S. Mint American Eagle Coins – Bullion Sales for Week Ending December 19, 2014

U.S. Mint American Eagle Coins – Bullion Sales for Week Ending December 19, 2014

It’s been a slow news week for the U.S. American silver and gold eagle coin programs. With nothing new distributed on the gold eagle side and only a lean number of new silver eagle coins to speak of, this report reflects the smallest amount of bullion coin sales activity from the U.S. Mint since CoinValues began disseminating American eagle coin sales data earlier this year.

Of course, the low production figures aren’t an arbitrary phenomenon. For one, the U.S. Mint is currently switching production over to 2015 coining, so much of the focus at the U.S. Mint is now on next year's operations. Also, though, bullion activity has been somewhat quiet over the past few weeks, and many investors are holding off on buying new gold and silver eagle coins until there's some significant movement either up or down on price.

With no gold American eagle coins distributed by the U.S. Mint for the week ending December 19, 2014, the only activity to note is on the silver eagle side, which saw rather anemic sales figures:


November 1-30

December 1-19

1 Oz. American Silver Eagle



1,958,000 for December

1 Oz. American Gold Eagle



12,000 for December

1/2 Oz. American Gold Eagle



0 for December

1/4 Oz. American Gold Eagle



6,000 for December

1/10 Oz. American Gold Eagle



30,000 for December

With virtually all holiday-related coin orders already distributed, the trickle of American eagle silver coins is enough to satisfy last-minute demand for 2014-coinage. But, in all respects, the U.S. Mint is looking toward what could be a very busy 2015, especially as silver and gold prices potentially respond to 2014 4th-qaurter economic reports in the coming weeks. As of right now, the release schedule for 2015 American eagle coins shows January 12 as the day when the U.S. Mint begins accepting orders for 2015 silver eagles and January 20 as the first day of 2015 gold eagle sales. 

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