Gold: $2935.91  |  Silver: $32.57

1918 Walking Liberty Half Dollar

1918 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1918 Walking Liberty Half Dollar

Coin Info

Melt Value
United States
Silver Coin
Metal Content
0.36169 t oz
Face Value
$0.50 USD

1918 Walking Liberty half dollars are a fairly common issue in terms of absolute availability of the coin, and there are plenty of specimens from this year still on the market in the lower circulated grades to satisfy coin collector demand. However, that doesn’t mean 1918 Walking Liberty halves are an easy coin for all numismatists to collect.

Any glance at the price lists for 1918 Walking Liberty halves shows that specimens in the upper circulated grades (XF-40 and above) endure a big jump in prices over ’18 Walkers in VF-20. For example, the 1918-D has a price tag of around $90 in VF-20 whereas an XF-40 will set collectors back more than $200. Why the high prices for high-grade 1918 Walkers? Simply put, very few Walking Liberty half dollars from 1918 were saved, meaning well-preserved Walkers from that era are hard to come by.

Here’s a rundown of mintage figures and values to give you a better perspective on 1918 Walking Liberty halves:

  • 1918, 6,634,000; $10 in Good-4

  • 1918-D, 3,853,040; $12

  • 1918-S, 10,282,000; $10

Since many Walking Liberty half dollars exhibit weak strikes, it’s important to cherry pick for the better-looking pieces. In short, don’t be hesitant on passing up lackluster Walkers, as you will find well-struck pieces with enough effort. Sharp Walking Liberty half dollars that are free of damage will always bode well for investors and look great in any Walking Liberty half collection.

1918 Walking Liberty Half Dollars for Sale

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