Gold: $3088.23  |  Silver: $34.21

1900 Barber Half Dollar

1900 Barber Half Dollar
1900 Barber Half Dollar Value

Coin Info

Melt Value
United States
Silver Coin
Metal Content
0.36169 t oz
Face Value
$0.50 USD

1900 Barber half dollars are relatively common coins that are particularly sought after by type collectors who want a decent specimen without having to fork over large sums of cash. In fact, virtually every issue (except for the 1900 proof half) is affordable in a grade of Good, and can be commonly found in the upper grades, too.

Barber half dollar series collectors who want to keep the grades of their coins consistent from year to year within their albums may not necessarily spend much time seeking a Fine, Very Fine, or Extremely Fine specimen of a 1900 Barber half dollar if all of the other pieces in their Barber half albums are grading Good or Very Good. However, for the collector who wants a nice example of a Barber half dollar without having to spend long to find it will likely settle on a piece from 1900.

The mintage figures below tell part of the story about the 1900 Barber half dollar:

  • 1900 – 4,762,000; $18

  • 1900-O – 2,744,000; $24

  • 1900-S – 2,560,322; $20

  • 1900 proof – 912; $900

*Values are for coins in a grade of Good-4, unless otherwise noted.

Beware of cleaned specimens or those that exhibit heavy damage. With many 1900 Barber half dollars available, there’s no reason that a collector should feel that he or she should have to settle when it comes to buying halves from that year.

1900 Barber Half Dollars for Sale

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